Ethical, sustainable manufacturing

At Conturve we craft our garments carefully and consciously. From sustainable manufacturing processes to ethical working conditions, we ensure every pair is made with dignity and mindfulness.

Our award-winning modern facilities operate under three pillars: female leadership, employee well-being, and environmental sustainability. We are ensuring that appropriate safety measures and social distancing is in place along with an adequate supply of PPE equipment for staff to help in the fight against the spread of Covid-19.

Female leadership

  • Women Go Beyond program
  • Provide supplemental education with classes in entrepreneurial development, English, and information technology
  • Ensure a safe working environment
  • Empower with long-term growth and leadership opportunities

Employee well-being

  • Safe & clean working conditions
  • Bright & airy working areas
  • Respecting human rights
  • Well-balanced workdays


Protecting the environment through sustainability

Sustainability means helping protect and preserve the precious environment we have. We’ve partnered with our suppliers to ensure they use the most sustainable materials and packaging possible.

Sustainable Sourcing

To us, sustainable sourcing not only means focusing on using only recycled and eco-friendly materials but also emphasizing and using fair trade and ethically sourced materials..

Sustainable Packaging

A lot of fashion product packaging is not recyclable. We use 100% recyclable packing materials which can be reused and recycled. We also use recycled paper for our inserts and we are always looking for more ways to reduce our carbon footprint.